Tumaini Handcrafted in the Great Rift Valley

“The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands”. Psalms 19:1

As I am sure you can imagine from the photo above, the breathtaking views of The Great Rift Valley of Kenya have always served as an incredible reminder of the beautiful and artistic God of creation that we serve. Unfortunately, in that same picturesque Valley there are countless vulnerable women and children that do not have the luxury of sitting back to take in the handiwork of God in the nature around them. Instead, they are forced to spend a majority of their time worrying about the basic necessities of safety, shelter, food, clothes, and education.

In this devastating hardship, God has mercifully placed Rift Valley Hope directly within the beauty and the chaos to proclaim to these vulnerable women and children that they are loved children of God. 

As one of our ministry strategies at RVH, Tumaini Handcrafted brand serves to empower these women allowing them to thrive and provide food, clothing, shelter, and education for their children.

When you buy Tumaini Handcrafted beautiful baskets, totes, and bowls, you are working alongside them to provide for their basic needs every week. By honoring their God-given talents and hard work, you are not only helping to facilitate the survival of these women and their children but reminding them of their value and beauty in the eyes of God as they seek ways to live their lives in honor and devotion to the Lord.

Day by day, your support enhances that quality of life for these loved children of God and gives them a chance to take in the captivating segment of creation that they call home. 

Through fellowship and prayer time daily at Tumaini Handcrafted shop, these women continue to know and love Jesus deeply. They are determined to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with other women in Maai Mahiu and continue shining God’s love through their changed lives for the glory of God. 

Thank you for praying and encouraging our Tumaini Handcrafted women through your support towards the beautiful work of their hands.


Isaac Munji

Founder & CEO


Restoring Lives and Giving Hope


Educational Empowerment


Rift Valley Hope